Presby Environmental inc
The Next Generation of Wastewater Treatment Technology
Now installed in countries worldwide, the Advanced Enviro-Septic Wastewater System (AES) is designed and manufactured by Presby Environmental Inc. (PEI), founded in New Hampshire USA in 1995 by inventor and entrepreneur David Presby.
PEI is an innovative environmental organisation that engineers new technology to change the way the world approaches wastewater treatment. Today the company is working at the cutting edge of water pollution control to help protect and preserve our most precious natural resources.
At the age of 14, New Hampshire native David Presby began his career apprenticing under his father at Presby Construction. In the 1980’s, while working with different aspects of the wastewater and construction industry, the lack of a reliable, cost effective approach to wastewater treatment motivated David to begin conceptualising what later became the Enviro-Septic® Technology. Over the years, through extensive testing and R&D, this technology has evolved into the world’s most practical and effective wastewater treatment system, the Advanced Enviro-Septic® Wastewater Treatment System.
The Presby Team is a huge force in the Septic Industry. With over 150 years of combined experience at the New Hamsphire headquarters alone, they are equipped with the most knowledgeable, passionate group in the passive waste water treatment sector.