Wastewater Designers
Please find relevant resources for designing an AES wastewater treatment system here. Wastewater designers are welcome to become AES certified by completing our online training course. AES certified designers have access to additional resources in a login section.
How AES Works
The AES system, based on fundamental principles of secondary wastewater treatment produces high quality results.
Designing AES Systems
AES design manual and information to assist potential designers of AES on-site secondary advanced wastewater systems.
Become AES certified
Complete our free online course to become certified to design AES systems. Watch 2 videos & answer 80 multi-choice qus.
Technical Assistance
Our technical team can assist with advice at all stages of your design. Contact us to discuss how AES can be used on a project.
OSET-NTP Results
An AES system tested in Trial 12 and 13 at OSET-NTP achieved outstanding results, 10x above the NZ secondary treatment requirements.
AES Components
View the AES components used in the design of an AES wastewater treatment system and dispersal field.
Large Scale
AES scales to treat wastewater from tiny homes to towns and large subdivisions. It can handle variable load at eg marae or campgrounds.
UV Disinfection
The Salcor UV disinfection unit is specifically designed for disinfecting the effluent from aerobic treatment plants.
Case Studies
View case studies of AES systems for small to large demand, different site conditions, RSEs, intermittent demand, etc.